


The Right Warming Technology Can...

By Michelle DanielsVice President - Product Strategy, Development and AdministrationEncompass Group, LLC

Why Most Therapeutic & Alternating...

Nurses are no strangers to pressure injuries (PIs) as they are, unfortunately, a frequent occurrence in patient care....

Why Most Therapeutic & Pressure...

Nurses are no strangers to pressure injuries (PIs) as they are, unfortunately, a frequent occurrence in patient care....

Top 7 Reasons Pressure Ulcer Rates are...

Recently, my colleague wrote that the CMS’ Value-Based Purchasing incentives were working to reduce hospital-acquired...

CMS Incentives Reduce HACs, But Much...

CMS Incentives Reduce HACs, But Much Work Remains

On January 29, 2019, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality...

Healthcare Textile Trends 2019 and...

Over the last several years, two major economic trends have impacted the healthcare industry - budget impacts of...