According to the CDC, as many as 900,000 people in the US are affected each year by venous thromboembolism (VTE); either deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism (PE) or both. Estimates suggest that 60,000-100,000 of those die each year. For those that survive, recurrences and long-term complications can arise.
Products by Risk Level
The StarSystem® products offer comfortable and effective nonpharmacological interventions for patients at risk of DVT. Select one of the products below according to your risk level protocol. All Encompass products are latex-free and safe to use in conjunction with pharmacological interventions.
Watch the PulSTAR® Logix® System in action.
The PulSTAR® Logix® Sleeve System
The PulSTAR Logix sleeve system features multiple styles with single chamber air bladders positioned on the anterior of the calf to promote superior patient comfort. Each style offers multiple sizes to fit the majority of patient populations and distinct features designed to meet hospital and patient needs.
Watch how to properly fit and apply AES stockings.
Our best anti-embolism stocking for patient care and comfort. The word CARE means Control And Resist Embolisms.
The EuroCARE™ stocking’s reciprocated heel is a true innovation in the StarSystem® AES lineup.
UltraCARE® Stockings with the Rightway® System
The first true innovation in this market class in over 25 years. The word CARE means Control And Resist Embolisms. The word Ultra speaks for itself. UltraCARE® was created to further address patient comfort, performance and compliance factors.
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EssentialCARE® Stockings
EssentialCARE Anti-Embolism Stockings provide classic comfort and features with an integrated
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Full Product Info:
A.M.P.S.® closed-toe continuous care graduated compression stockings and calf sleeves provide 15-20 mmHg at the ankle which gradually decreases up the leg to promote better circulation. Increased blood flow helps relieve discomfort from ankle swelling, varicose veins & aching feet.
They provide a comfortable and fashionable intervention for those at risk of developing:
Moisture Management
Anti-Microbial Finish
Hidden or Outward Facing Seams
Multiple Sizes & Colors
Multiple Designs
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McDonough, GA 30253
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Encompass is one of the leading manufacturers and marketers of reusable textiles, professional apparel, therapeutic support surfaces and disposable and single use medical products.
By focusing on innovation, product knowledge and customer service, we strive to always meet the needs of our clients and surpass their expectations. We are proud to be a privately held company.