


Simple Ways to Explain Pressure Injury...

Medical patients often want to know what’s happening to their bodies, how they’re being cared for, and how they can...

How Airisana Helps Nurses Lead the Way...

At Encompass, we believe that everyone should feel safe and comfortable in today’s healthcare environments. This is no...

How Alternating Air Mattresses Help...

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that more than one in ten patients develop a pressure injury. This is...

The Evolution of Pressure Injury...

Patients and their caregivers have struggled with the affliction of pressure injuries throughout the millennia. Even...

Pressure Injuries: The Wound in the...

Pressure injuries (PIs) represent an enormous cost to the healthcare system. This AHQR report indicated that between...

Treating the Whole Patient Not Just the...

Wound Specialists know that effective pressure injury care can be achieved only when the full range of a patient’s...